Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ticking off the bucket list

As I’m writing this, I am still buzzing from excitement! I finally got to participate in something I have always wanted to do, something I admired as a child and well into my teens. I was part of a Fun Run of 5K that took place in Zanzibar on 2nd Dec 2012, part of a bigger event of a Half Marathon. The air was filled with excitement, there were men and women, young and old at the stadium full of anticipation. Its was a colourful and warm morning and the sun was just rising. It was certainly a sight I would never forget!

Some contestants had been spotted in Stone Town days before the event, warming up for the big day.  I also saw a few runners, from Kenya I believe, who certainly turned a few heads. It’s quite normal to see people exercising in the mornings outdoors but never really never with such athletic prowess.

To watch a human being run with the speed of a four-legged beast is weird and wonderful. It brings back so many childhood memories of fables and fairytales.

Athletes, particularly runners, have somehow always fascinated me. I don’t know what it is but from a young age, I could spend countless hours watching Olympics repeats on TV, being hooked on what goes on the running track and not forgetting the long jumps. There is something so lively and mind blowing watching people stretching their physical capacities to the limit, each hell bent on outrunning the other.

Unconsciously I tend to draw a parallel between athletes and wild animals on a hunt. Besides being cautious and having the winner attitude, both would run like their lives depended on it. When you watch athletes run, you cant’ help noticing the tension and concentration gripping their bodies and wondering what goes on inside their heads. Are they praying to win or are they already brimming with confidence of victory? I can’t imagine what goes on in their heads.

When our run started at the Amani Stadium just after the Half Marathon contestants took off, it was our turn to start the 5K Fun Run. We too were asked to get ready at the starting line and had to wait for the gun to be fired off.

Boy did that bring chills down my spine! I suddenly had a flashback of the legions of Olympics Games and other competition I had watched as a child and knew that this was it – I must finish! Yes, 5K are not much and can easily be accomplished but it’s the thought of being part of something spectacular and the whole atmosphere of the event that nail the chills on the spine.

With soaring temperatures and a heat wave over the tarmac roads, there was much at stake but I had made up my mindI was not going to give up. After all I was well prepared, I had made sure a few days before the run that my body was properly hydrated and full of reserve energy. Towards the finishing line, however, I started doubting how much energy I actually had left but I knew that I needed to instill that winning attitude back into myself.

I pictured the athletes running, sensing what their bodies must be going through, watching every muscle stretch, every breath inhaled and exhaled – just to ensure that they cross that finishing line.

I could almost see those firing eyes and their sweat drecnhsed faces, which was exactly what was happening to me. With that in mind, I knew if anything, I needed to think about ticking this off my bucket list.

And I did! Unfortunately I did not win but I didn’t loose either – I have now been motivated to step up my training and perhaps aim for a Half Marathon next year. The added bonus is that my bucket list has one less item on it.

And who knows, perhaps I might just do the Half Marathon!

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