Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The sizzling aspect of travelling

We all have distinctive images running in our heads when we hear the word “travel”. Some think of a relaxing holiday on a deserted island.Others dream of an adventurous mountain climbing trip, visiting friends and family. It could also be travelling to afar countries you only hear in the news to see how people live on the other side of the world. Or it could just be getting on a plane for the very first time, going on a pilgrimage…

The thoughts are almost endless though there is one aspect in common - awaiting experiences. If there were anything any traveller would tell you about is their experience, whether good or bad; experiences are inevitable.

I recall my first memory of travelling, at the age of 8, where we were going to visit my grandmother in Zanzibar. I had met her before but I was quite young only that my parents kept my memory alive by reminding me of my “bibi”.

Not so quite an adventurous trip but for an eight year old, I was constantly counting days. I could feel the excitement in my bones. My parents would tell me the same bedtime story of Unguja (main island of Zanzibar) for weeks on end - what we would be doing and who we would see. It all sounded very magical in my head, every morning I would wake up and ask how many days were left until we would see “bibi” and what would be doing there. And very patiently, my parents would help me explain the days left by stating how many times I had to sleep and wake up for us to get to Unguja.
It goes without saying that our external influences create these images in our minds that we crave to experience, to live long enough to tell the story. Travel is an act that all humans have in common, from our forefathers, explorersand alike – history tells us that through travel is how we learned that a year has 365 days.

It is what connects us as humans, we learn about others and most importantly through travelling we learn about ourselves. Some travel for leisure, business, religious purposes and other for pure curiosity.

The latter in my opinion is what creates the sizzling side of travel – when one connects with oneself and the environment. Taking it all in and learning from the people, culture, attitudes – probably one of the greatest gifts to mankind.

Landing in a “strange” country can be mind blowing or frightening, though after a few trips, you learn that even if you do not speak the same language, there’s the language of “humanity.” You will find it anywhere you go in the world.

Despite what the media tells us on the do’s and don’ts, it is ofcourse vital to take precaution, though at times one needs to learn to travel with an “open mind”.
Having no expectations of what you will experience is one of the calmest ways of travel, since you will be travelling like an open book.

Taking note of every single detail – the smells, the features, the foods, the beats, the weather conditions and so on. It is exciting, daunting, mesmerizing, shocking, pleasurable, uncomfortable…but they are all experiences that you will put together to describe your travel.

And when you return home, you realize that the sizzling side of travelling is in fact discovering that everyone is wrong about other countries. Taking for granted what travel books, websites and magazines tell us about a country is not fair, one must travel to discover about that country.

The whole idea about travelling is meeting the people and discovering the sizzling aspect of it!

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